Collaborations and European Network

Machine Learning applications in risk evaluation of neurological and psychiatric diseases

Dra Guldal Inal, Okan University (Turkey)

Dr Habil KalKan,  Gebze Technical University (Turkey)

The Neurobiotechnology group is a member of COST action DARTER. DELIVERY OF ANTISENSE NUCLEOTIDES. Member of Workgroup 4. Dissemination. VIDEO

The Neurobiotechnology Group is a member of the Pain in Psychiatric conditions consortium (PiPCo) Neuroinflammation underlying psychiatric conditions.

Dra. Nora Kereves, University West, Trollhättan (Sweeden).

Dr. Marc Landry, University of Bordeaux (France). The host laboratory for the short-term EMBO fellowship, Margarita Salas Postdoctoral fellowship to SSS.

Dr. Antonio Guerrero. INAM at University of Jaume I. Plastic-degrading enzymes.

Dr. Floren González, Universitat Jaume I. Chemical Medicine, development of new formulations, ABA analogs, and cathepsin inhibitors as tools to discover novel targets in neurodegenerative diseases.

Dra. Eva Falomir, Universitat Jaume I. Developing shRNA to treat cancer cells.

Dr. Aldo Donizetti, University of Federico II, Nápoles (Italy). Genome Editing to silence IRS1 and IRS2 using CRISPR Cas9 technology.

Co- Guest Editor, Frontiers Neuroscience. Research Topic: The RNA World: Non Coding RNAs and Innovative Therapies in Neurological Disorders

The Neurobiotechnology group participates in the  TECH4CV Alliance